Photo Blog: Sikkim - The Himalayan beauty (Part - 1)

"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better". -Albert Einstein
Being out in nature, always been my favorite. Escaping from routine life, and walking through the hiking trails, breathing fresh air, appreciating beauty of lush green mountains, music of waterfalls, clouds, fogs... all of them make me feel so divine.
So, I didn't think twice when I got a chance this time. I knew where I wanted to go. Somewhere in the great Himalayan mountain and that's also in the winter. But time was short and aspiration was high. So, selected Sikkim as my destination.
About Sikkim - A small state in northeast India, bordered by Bhutan, Tibet and Nepal. Part of the Himalayas, the area has a dramatic landscape including India’s highest mountain, 8,586m Kanchenjunga. Sikkim is also home to glaciers, alpine meadows and thousands of varieties of wildflowers.
After a quick search on internet, shortlisted a travel guide, Mingma Sherpa of Mountain Tours, Treks and Travels. Asked him to plan for a nature trip and got his quick response, with a nice plan. (Though I changed it later, due to weather condition, but he did a good job).
Day - 1
And then finally the day arrived. 2nd January 2015. I was on my way to Sikkim. Thrilled, excited, and couldn't wait any longer. With drum rolling heartbeat, boarded into the plane, destination Bagdogra, gateway to northeast India. Less than an hour flight from Kolkata.
Mingma had already sent me a message about Suman Gurung, that he would be my tour guide and would pick me up from the airport. Met Suman at Bagdogra and after brief introduction we jumped into the car for a 6~7 hour long drive to Yuksom. He also mentioned, there are road works ahead of us and that would make our trip even longer.
Beautiful River bend
Anyway, I was not in hurry, and not worried about the time. All I wanted to be with nature. Fortunately, didn't have to wait long for that. In less than an hour we are out of Siliguri city and the great Himalaya greeted me with open arms.
All through the journey we were greeted by beautiful landscapes, river (Teesta) bends, waterfalls and so on. Road works stopped us few times, but we were mentally prepared for that.
Utilized our stoppages by taking photos. Beauty was everywhere, waiting for onlookers to appreciate.
Finally it took around 7 hours and day light was long gone. Reached Yuksom around 7-30 and it seemed like no one lives here. Remembered the line, read somewhere "when human stops talking nature starts speaking".
On the Way to Yuksom
It was chilly winter night, a bit tired from that long road trip. Didn't take long hitting the bed after quick and freshly made hot dinner. Day - 2 Mingma booked hotel "Red Palace" for my stay in Yuksom. It's a nice cozy hotel with all essentials and beautiful view all around. Early morning, opened my eyes and greeted with jaw dropping views all around. Quickly got out of bed, freshen up, took my cameras, tripod and started clicking. It was a foggy morning. Clouds were roaming idle. Saw this bird enjoying nature, sitting on a bamboo branch.

And then after sometime, I looked back and saw this. I had every reason to be mesmerized. It was just nothing but a confirmation of my year long belief (and proven several times in the past), that nature loves me more than I possibly could love her. Can't remember exactly when our romantic affair started, but at every single opportunity, she always drags my attention towards her and shows the best possible beautiful moments. And I am on the receiving end, try to capture such moments. "I cherish you my love, with all my heart and soul".

to be continued...